First, congratulations on your new job! Take time to reflect on your journey and embrace this new opportunity! It’s lit and I am excited for you. 

It’s time to WORK and put your skills on full display at your new job! 90 days is three months to make an Impact and set a tone for yourself. It’s not too long or too short. During this process, it’s going to require commitment, focus and flexibility, so always keep an open mind. 


Cambridge dictionary defines impact as the strong effect or influence that something has on a situation or person. This article will definitely help young professionals who are just getting started in their careers and for those more seasoned and experienced professionals, this will provide some fresh ideas or inspire you to set new goals at your new job. 

Let’s work!

1. Be a sponge

Be a sponge in the workplace; absorb information, conversations, and experiences. Take mental notes of what’s important because it will help you during your journey. Program your thinking to success and let your ideas, interactions and energy all be positive!

In a new environment, there are always do’s and dont’s, office etiquette, and learning the ropes. You can learn a lot just by listening carefully to others and watching how things operate in the workplace. It’s basically free game! 

For example, something a co-worker said during a conversation may help you later whether it’s information pertaining to a current project or employee, or just intimate knowledge about the company. It’s all to your benefit.  

We can all relate to being the new employee on the job. Feel free to ask questions! Some co-workers may even offer you advice early on. Be friendly! Don’t miss the opportunity to make a new friend or really great teammate! 

Impact: Identify individuals who have been at the company the longest because they can provide you with valuable information about the organization.

2Set Clear Goals for Personal and Professional development 

Ask yourself what’s most important to you and what do you want to accomplish in 90 days? Personal and professional development goes hand in hand. Your emotions, job performance and peace of mind are connected to both of your environments at work and home. 

Some very important things to consider when setting personal and professional goals should include: 

  • your health
  • happiness
  • work-life balance
  • family 
  • career advancement

Questions to consider for Goal-Setting:

  1. What are your main objectives and key priorities of your position?
  2. What do you want to accomplish at your job in 90 days?
  3. Do you see yourself at the company in 2 years?
  4. What hobbies and activities do you enjoy?
  5. What are your strengths and weakness?
  6. How can you be the best version of yourself?

Failing to plan is planning to fail

Write down your goals and create an outline with deadlines. Set goals that are specific and for each goal create a list of action items. These action items will help you break down your goals into smaller and smaller steps to follow. 

Take your time in creating your list of goals and be honest about your deadlines. Great news is that we already have a timeline because 90 days is the goal to Make An Impact At Your New job. Work from that timeline and focus on what goals should be daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. 

Impact: The most important thing is to take action at every step of the way.  To get started, I challenge you to learn the names of your co-workers and their positions in the first two weeks

3. Use details to your advantage

Learn how to read in between the lines and pay close attention to details, not just verbal communication, but nonverbal communication as well such as body language, gestures and facial expressions. Learning happens not just in your work environment (internal) but outside the workplace at meetings, functions and events (external). Below are examples of day-to-day interactions mainly in the workplace.

There will be opportunities to show how resourceful you are and that’s where you shine.

Capitalize on these moments because it will set you apart from everyone else! Being intentional, making an effort, and showing up every day with a winner’s mentality is how you will make an impact, I guarantee it! The more you practice this technique and apply these principles you will be able to predict, anticipate, and maneuver around situations. 

Impact: This week pay closer attention to verbal communication and non-verbal communication (using the statements above as examples). Write down your observations and/or takeaways. You could even journal your 90 days. I’d be interested in hearing what you have learned.


4. Find your Niche

Distinguish yourself 

Your niche is your lane and your lane only. It is what you feel is your purpose and what you are most passionate about. It is what your manager(s) and co-workers know that only you can provide and/or bring to the table. Your niche is authentic, pure, instinctive and without question, you.

Add Value

Your success at your new job will be determined by the value you provide. It’s important to mention that value is not only results-driven. Value can be measured by your influence, presence, energy, awareness, and contribution to the overall work environment. Never underestimate the value of a smile, good manners and a positive attitude. 

Impact: Add value. Do your thing.

5. Get Out of Your Head

Sometimes we can overanalyze situations and create problems that do not exist to begin with. There are moments when we just need to put our head down and GRIND. Learn how to switch gears and trust your instincts. 

Work smarter 

If you have a heavy workload, prioritize. Ask yourself what’s most important? How much time do you need to commit for each task, and what are your deadlines? Create a timeline and a list of tasks for each project to help you organize responsibilities.

Simplify your projects and break them down into smaller parts by week, bi-weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly. Also, update your calendars for important events, meetings, and set reminders.


During the early stages of your job you will need to trust yourself more than ever. Trust your instincts and be confident in your abilities. There will be challenges but fret not, with the right attitude and tools there is nothing that can stop you! When you encounter problems, take a moment to breathe, reflect and determine the best course of action. Identify what the core problem is and how you can tackle it, then start immediately!

As you work, you will either figure out the problem yourself or what needs to happen to resolve it. If you find yourself stuck, ask questions, use your resources and remember you are closer than you were five minutes ago, ten minutes ago, thirty minutes ago, or an hour ago. Perspective changes everything and action produces results. 

Learn balance: 

Outside of work you must have hobbies and activities you enjoy doing that make you happy. Find your outlet to recharge and refresh your mind and spirit. Your outlet could be exercise, yoga, meditation, cooking, organizing, reading, Netflix & chill, etc. Life can be busy and work can be stressful, so balance is imperative. Find time for yourself because it can improve your health, happiness, and increase productivity at work. 

Impact: At the start of every workday, write down your list of tasks and reminders.

6. Embrace this opportunity

Hope you’re thrilled about your new job! Congratulations!! This article was inspired by you and so many others! You are amazing. If you find yourself feeling down, frustrated or need motivation, remember you were hired for a reason. You are capable and this is only the beginning of your journey. Embrace this new opportunity. 

Even if you see the job as temporary or you are uncertain about your future with the company write down your pros and cons then discuss with a close friend, mentor or family member(s). If you have decided to pursue something else work your plan until it’s time to move on. Capitalize on this opportunity and be present even if you have other plans. Build relationships, network, learn as much as you can, and always keep the big picture in mind! 

Impact: Be Intentional

The Marathon Continues (TMC)

Are you inspired? Do you feel more confident about your new journey and ready to blaze your own trail? Hell yeah we are! Remember these six principles to Make an Impact at Your New Job in 90 days:

  1. Be A Sponge
  2. Set Clear Goals for Personal and Professional Development 
  3. Use Details to Your Advantage
  4. Find Your Niche
  5. Get Out of Your Head
  6. Embrace This Opportunity

“The Highest Human Act Is To Inspire”

Leave your comments or you can email me directly. Feel to share and for more vibes, planning tips and inspiration visit my instagram page @phinesse @lyplanning