Do Not Spend/Fast Food Challenge

Who doesn’t enjoy fast food? I did, a lot actually. I realized I was spending way too much money eating out and over a period of time I was able to cut down on my spending. I thought a challenge would help me identify bad habits, organize my thoughts, and get on track with eating healthier as well as SAVE MONEY. I guarantee this challenge will help you save money, track your spending, prepare delicious meals, and change the way you think about food. It’s straight forward and designed to help you. Download now for only $3 and start your journey. Choose one of the payment options below. Included are challenges, motivation, and day-to-day activities to help you create a system.

After you complete the challenge, please take the survey because I’d appreciate your feedback that will help with future challenges and e-books.

Submit payment to one of the two options below and enter your information below:

The Do Not Spend/Fast Food Challenge will be emailed to the email address provided above.

Selected Value: 1
1 Being the lowest and 5 being the highest.